日日是禅活       さいりんじ

曹洞宗 興陽山

西 琳 寺

Soto Zen Temple Koyo-zan Sairinji


禅寺は来るを拒まず去る追わず 西琳寺はいつでも自由にご参拝できます
禅寺は来るを拒まず去る追わず 西琳寺はいつでも自由にご参拝できます





Welcome to Sairinji Soto Zen Buddhism Temple.  There are not any magnificent building and cultural property but an old main temple facility and old Buddha sculptures here in Sairinji Zen Temple, founded in mid 14 century.  However, we have software for you to find your way to approach the Buddha Dharma or Enlightenment through Zen activities.  Buddha did not preach how to prepare for departure to the next world but preached how to live your life this moment.  Sairinji Zen Temple would recommend you to try such extra-ordinary experiences as Zazen, Heart Sutra tracing and self mind control training, which we provide in several courses of Zen program.   Please do not hesitate to contact us.  

